70 studies found in English from a total of 36702


Rory Fitzgerald (Principal Investigator and ESS ERIC Director); Tim Hanson (Core Scientific Team); Eric Harrison (Core Scientific Team); (51 more)
The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically driven cross-national survey, founded in 2001. It has been administered in 40 countries to date. Its three aims are, firstly – to monitor and interpret changing public attitudes and values within Europe and to investigate how they interact with Europe's changing institutions, secondly – to advance and consolidate improved...
Study description available in:EN


Rory Fitzgerald (Principal Investigator and ESS ERIC Director); Sarah Butt (Core Scientific Team); Eric Harrison (Core Scientific Team); (58 more)
The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically-driven multi-country survey, which has been administered in over 38 countries to date. Its three aims are, firstly – to monitor and interpret changing public attitudes and values within Europe and to investigate how they interact with Europe's changing institutions, secondly – to advance and consolidate improved methods of...
Study description available in:EN

Level of living 1996, household - Cross sectional study - Working conditions

Statistics Norway
Statistics Norway has since 1973 conducted general surveys of living conditions with a gap of 3-4 years. Studies have been conducted in 1973, 1980, 1983, 1987, 1991 and 1995. 1996 marks the transition to a new practical arrangements for living surveys at Statistics Norway. Where there previously had been a handful of different studies that collectively covered area living...
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Level of Living for Children, 1983

Statistics Norway
The "Level of Living" - concept in statistics/social research is originally a Swedish invention, but the modern Norwegian focus on this type of research and data collection dates back to a large-scale government initiated project from 1972. The first Level of Living Study in Norway was conducted in 1973, as a data collection project for a Government Commission studying the...
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Families' Child Care Preferences 2010

Statistics Norway
The survey on Families' Child Care Preferences is commissioned by the Ministry of Education and Research and the Ministry of Children, Equality and Social Inclusion. Similar surveys has been conducted by Statistics Norway earlier, and this survey is an extension of these. The purpose was to map the use of different child care services as day care, after-school care, nanny,...
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Omnibus Study No. 2 1997

Statistics Norway
Themes of the Omnibus Study No. 2, 1997: - Cohabitation history, travel / festival participation, diet, the use of artificial sweeteners, smoking habits, GP scheme, political attitudes, attitudes towards immigrants. The survey had the following principals and themes: - Cohabitant Committee: Cohabitation History - SSB, Department of Transport and Business Statistics:...
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Survey on Visitation and Alimony 2004

Statistics Norway
The survey on visitation and alimony in 2004 is commissioned by the Ministry of Children and Family (BFD). It is a follow-up survey to the "Survey on Visitation and Alimony 2002". The purpose of these two surveys is to evaluate the alimony reform that was enforced the 1st of October 2003. The reform introduced new rules for calculation of the alimony. Whilst the...
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Children and Parents Visitation and Residence, 2020

Statistics Norway
The survey on Children and parents' contact and residence is funded by the Ministry of Children and Families. The questionnaire has been prepared by Statistics Norway (SSB) in collaboration with representatives from Ministry of Children and Families. The survey is aimed at parents who do not live together. Both parents of 2,349 children have been selected to participate....
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Relationships Between Parents and Children, 1994

Kjosavik, Karin (OsloMet)
The aim of the project was to study when children and parents spend time together, in work as well as leisure time, and how children experience this. In those situations where children and parents are together in work and leisure time: who are together with and how do the children experience being together with their parents (their family)? Are the children's emotional...
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Public Services for Families with Mentally Handicapped Children, 1992

Ytrehus, Siri (SINTEF)
The purpose of the study was to shed light on the need for and use of public assistance in families with mentally disabled children and adolescents living at home, in relation to the HVPU reform. The survey, conducted through questionnaires, focused on the need for and use of respite care, support contact arrangements, help from relatives and friends, alternative housing...
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Supervisory Arrangements, Employment and Use of Cash Benefits in Families, spring 1999, household file

Statistics Norway
The survey on Supervisory Arrangements, Employment and Use of Cash Benefits in Families is carried out on behalf of the Ministry of Children and Equality (BFD). The background for this survey is the Norwegian Parliament's decision to introduce a cash benefit arrangement in the fall of 1997. Statistics Norway (SSB) carried out a survey on behalf of BFD in the spring of 1998...
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Family and Changing Gender Roles, 2002, Norwegian part of ISSP

his survey is carried out on the basis of the research collaboration in "The International Social Survey Programme" (ISSP). ISSP is an international organisation that prepares and coordinates annual surveys in its member countries, mainly within the fields of political science and sociology. The topic of the surveys varies, but are repeated at intervals of a few years. In...
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Family and Changing Gender Roles, 2012, Norwegian Part of ISSP

This survey is conducted on the basis of the research work in "The International Social Survey Program" (ISSP). ISSP is an international organization where members develop and coordinate annual surveys, mainly in the fields of political science and sociology. The topics of the surveys vary, but topics are replicated every few years so that it is possible to measure the...
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Children Growing Up in a Growth Community, 1995

Sivertsen, Ann-Jorid (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet)
The aim of the survey was to study how environmental qualities affect the children who grow up there. Children's leisure time activities were of especial focus, as well as how the children experience what they are doing in their leisure time. One has also focused on organized sports through sports clubs, other unions and children's own organization of leisure time, in local...
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Diet Habits Among Youths. Nutritional Education in a Local Community, 1990

Klepp, Knut-Inge (UiB)
The purpose of the project was to examine the nutritional habits of 7th grade students at four different schools in Bergen. Information was gathered about diets and nutrition, meals, cooking habits, leisure activities, relationship to friends ,alcohol, and school. A postal self-completion form was districuted to 1633 pupils.
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Family and changing gender roles, 2022, Norwegian part of ISSP

This study was conducted on the basis of the research collaboration in "The International Social Survey Program" (ISSP). ISSP is an international organization with members in 44 countries (per 2022) that prepares and coordinates annual interview surveys in member countries, mainly in the fields of political science and sociology. Themes for the surveys vary, but the same...
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Level of Living Survey EU-SILC, 2016

Statistics Norway
Statistics Norway have carried out "Level of Living"-surveys since 1973, and from 1996 surveys have been carried out annually. In 2011 the national Level of Living-survey was coordinated with the EU-prescribed survey "Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)". The Level of Living-survey EU-SILC covers a broad area concerning living conditions, as well as themes that...
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Young voices. Participatory bodies for children and adolescents in municipalities and counties, 2009

This surveyt illuminates the involvement and influence of children and adolescents in municipal decision processes. NBIR present and discuss findings from three studies of bodies/agencies promoting the participation of children and adolescents in Norway, usually known as youth councils and young people’s parliaments. This survey is one of the three studies.
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Reading Comprehension Tests for Deaf and Partially Hearing Pupils, 1994

Fiksdal, Bodil (Universitetet i Oslo)
The project was concerned with assessing a reading proficiency test for people without hearing disabilities, with concern of usage for pupils who are deaf/seriously hard of hearing. One has tested the reading proficiency of pupils who are deaf or seriously hard of hearing with a test that was developed by The Reading Centre. This test provides information about the pupils...
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Diet among 1-year old children in Norway, 1999

Statistics Norway
The purpose of the survey was to map the eating habits of infants at 12 months of age, enabling authorities and health stations to more easily promote a healthy diet and prevent diet-related health problems in this age group. The survey was a follow-up to a similar survey conducted at 6 months of age. The sample for the dietary survey at 6 months of age consisted of 3,000...
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Survey on Visitation and Residence 2012, Children File

Statistics Norway
Survey on Visitation and residence 2012 deals with the upbringing of children with separated parents. The questions were initially set in context to the youngest children in common, but the questions are also relevant for other children together. Both parents of the child in question is represented in the sample, that consists of the following six subgroups: all parents who...
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Physical Capasity, Belief in Mastering and Self-Image Among Young People with a Congenital Heart Defect, 1995

Aamodt, Inger Lise (Norges Idrettshøgskole)
The aim of the project was to test young patients with heart disorders in order to investigate training effects through a 11-week training intervention. Clinical tests were carried out through the period by treadmill testing and the youths were surveyed about their expectations of mastering. The sample consisted of 8 persons, drawn from the children section at Rikshospitalet...
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Survey on Visitation and Residence 2012, Visitation File

Statistics Norway
Survey on Visitation and residence 2012 deals with the upbringing of children with separated parents. The questions were initially set in context to the youngest children in common, but the questions are also relevant for other children together. Both parents of the child in question is represented in the sample, that consists of the following six subgroups: all parents who...
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Omnibus Study No. 1 1997

Statistics Norway
Theme og the Omnibus Study No. 1., 1997: Work / daily activities, travel habits, health and lifestyle, family relationships, smoking habits and diet. The survey had the following principals and themes: - Statistics Norway, Section of transport and business statistics: Travel habits. - Allers Health (Allers helse og sunnhet): Health and lifestyle - State council on...
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The Divorce Process, the Mediating Body and the Interests of the Children, 1987

Ekeland, Tor-Johan (Høgskulen i Volda)
The starting point for this project was that mediation is the only divorce procedure in Norway that involves a personal meeting between governmental services and married couples who want to get divorced. Following the Marriage Act (article 44), mediation shall amongst others deal with the children's interests. The project aimed at gathering qualified documentation about how...
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Targeting and Measuring Family Processes That Influence Energy Balance-related Behaviours in School-based Obesity Prevention Interventions, 2015

Bjelland, Mona (Universitetet i Oslo)
There is need for more research investigating the impact and factors in the family and home environment regarding children and adolescents eating habits. Such factors may be parent-child communication, renting practices and parenting style. The objective with the survey was to develop a questionnaire for both the adolescents and the parents which can be used to identify...
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Level of living 1997, household file - Cross sectional study - Living conditions

Statistics Norway
This is the household file for the Level of Living Survey 1997, NSD0401. The main topic of the Level of Living Survey 1997 was living conditions, local environment and leisure. In addition, the survey consisted of questions concerning various topics from external clients. Statistics Norway's (SSB) Level of living - cross sectional study (with rotating themes) has as its...
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Omnibus Study No. 1 1996

Statistics Norway
Themes of the Omnibus Study No. 1, 1996: - Practical help, training and education, political attitudes, children's activities, smoking habits and engagement. The survey had the following principals and themes: - Statistics Norway: Living conditions and engagement - State Tobacco: Smoking habits - Institute for Social Research: Political representation, political...
Study description available in:ENNO


Rory Fitzgerald (Principal Investigator and ESS ERIC Director); Gianmaria Bottoni (Head of CRONOS2 Central Team); Elissa Sibley (CRONOS2 Central Team); (35 more)
The CROss-National Online Survey 2 (CRONOS-2) is the world’s first large scale, cross-national, probability-based input-harmonised web panel. It took place in 2021-23 and was fielded in 12 countries - Austria, Belgium, Czechia, Finland, France, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom - from November 2021 until March 2023. At the end of the...
Study description available in:EN


Roger Jowell (Principal Investigator); Rory Fitzgerald (Central Co-ordinating Team); Caroline Roberts (Central Co-ordinating Team); (41 more)
The European Social Survey (ESS) is an academically-driven multi-country survey covering over 20 nations. Its three aims are, firstly - to monitor and interpret changing public attitudes and values within Europe and to investigate how they interact with Europe's changing institutions, secondly - to advance and consolidate improved methods of cross-national survey measurement...
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