76 studies found in English from a total of 36718

2º Grande Inquérito sobre Sustentabilidade em Portugal, 2019

Truninger, Mónica (coord.) (ICS-ULisboa); Schmidt, Luísa (coord.) (ICS-ULisboa); Fonseca, Susana (ICS-ULisboa); (3 more)
Two years after its first edition, the Second Large Survey on Sustainability addresses some of the topics of the previous edition, yet emphasizing in this second edition both the topic of food and the complex meanings of current life conditions framed by strong ambivalences in the aftermath of the 2008 crisis and its consequences. Given the growing recognition of food as a...
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Travel and Holiday Survey 2010, 2nd Quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2014, 4th quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2010, 3rd Quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2013, 2nd quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2017, 4th Quarter, Person File

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. This is the person...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2006, 1st Quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Investment in Renewable Electricity under Climate Policy Uncertainty, 2010.

Fleten, Stein-Erik (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet)
In the coming years, the world will need more electric power from renewable resources , and Norway is well positioned to contribute with additional renewable electricity capacity. Decisions on whether and when to invest in new capacity will depend on uncertainty with respect to future cash flows generated by renewable electricity projects. One source of uncertainty is...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2013, 4th quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2005, 4th Quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2007, 3rd Quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2007, 1st Quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2012, 3rd Quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Environment, 2010, Norwegian part of ISSP

This survey is conducted on the basis of the research work in "The International Social Survey Programme" (ISSP). ISSP is an international organization where members develop and coordinate annual surveys, mainly in the fields of political science and sociology. The topics of the surveys vary, but topics are replicated every few years so that it is possible to measure the...
Study description available in:ENNO

Models for economic assessments of forest-based bioenergy and second-generation biofuel production: Balmorel and results

Jåstad, Eirik Ogner (Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet)
This is a PhD project with the aim of further developing forest sector and energy sector models. The model covers the entire Northern European energy sector. Including production of heat and electricity. Responsible institution is the Norwegian University of Life Sciences under the Faculty of Environmental Science and Nature Management.
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2007, 4th Quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Prospects for the Norwegian Forest Sector: A Green Shift to Come?, 2018

Bolkesjø, Torjus F. (Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet)
BioNEXT is a three-year research project that started in 2016, which was led by the Norwegian University of Environmental and Life Sciences. In BioNEXT, researchers and business partners explored what it takes to make Norway's future bioenergy production profitable, efficient and sustainable. The background is large untapped forest resources and political visions of using...
Study description available in:ENNO

BIOSMART: Managing the transition to a "smart" bioeconomy, 2016

Burton, Rob (Ruralis - Institutt for rural- og regionalforskning)
BIOSMART WP 4 studies the prospects for the population's acceptance of a bio economic transition. The analyses reveal in general positive reactions to the bio economy, and how this is particularly connected to two aspects: global utility value and naturalness. A present premise that is important for a positive reception of a bio economic transition in Norway is the...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2010, 1st Quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2015, 4th quarter, Travel File

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been collected four times per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. The themes included in the fourth...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2015, 3rd quarter, Travel File

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). The survey is carried out on quarterly basis. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. The themes included in q3:...
Study description available in:ENNO

Models for economic assessments of forest-based bioenergy and second-generation biofuel production: Model and input

Jåstad, Eirik Ogner (Norges miljø- og biovitenskapelige universitet)
This is a PhD project with the aim of further developing forest sector and energy sector models. The model covers the entire Norwegian forest sector, with forest dynamics, logging, transport, industry and final consumption. The model is spatial with a time resolution of one year. Responsible institution is the Norwegian University of Life Sciences under the Faculty of...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2005, 1st Quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2010, 4th Quarter

Statistics Norway
Travel and Holiday Survey is a continuance of Statistics Norway's Omnibus Survey (1992-2004). Data has been gathered through four projects per year. The main goal of the survey is to map out Norwegians' travel habits, as well as to gather other official statistics. This means that the Travel and Holiday Survey also captures other themes than travel. You can see an overview...
Study description available in:ENNO

Wildfire Effects on Biochemistry of Soil and Surface Water, 2012

Lydersen, Espen (Universitetet i Sørøst-Norge)
Knowledge on aquatic effects of wildfire is important, because little data exist and increased frequency of wildfire is expected as a consequence of climate change. Pyrowater will focus on major chemical and biological effects of wildfire in aquatic ecosystems. The field work was conducted in Froland, Aust-Agder, where 2600 ha burned in June 2008. Main topics to be...
Study description available in:ENNO

Sustainable governance of river basins with Hydropower production, 2017

Harby, Atle (SINTEF)
The project was a "Competence project for business and industry". 2015 - 2018. The project is part of CEDREN, with funding from the Research Council and industrial partners, industry organizations and the administrative body. The project aimed to contribute to unified water management in regulated watercourses that are accepted both locally and nationally. SusWater has a...
Study description available in:ENNO

Travel and Holiday Survey 2016, 1st quarter, Person File

Statistics Norway
The travel and holiday survey is conducted four times a year, once every quarter. The main purpose of the survey is to establish Norwegians travel habits as well as to gather other official statistics. Apart from data about norwegians travel habits data is also collected about use of tobacco, alcohol and other substances, use of internet and informational technology, solid...
Study description available in:ENNO

Climatological scenarios in two catchment areas on Svalbard

Førland, Eirik J. (Universitetet i Oslo)
The purpose of the project was to establish data sets for temperature, precipitation, wind and humidity for Ny-Ålesund in Svalbard. Meteorological basisdata were collected and data sets were established. Energy balance, evaporation, snow accumulation, precipitation intensity and true precipitation were calculated for Ny-Ålesund. The data collection took place in the period...
Study description available in:ENNO

From a Curse to a Blessing? Transparency and Accountability in Managing High-Value Natural Resource Revenues, 2016 - Interview transcriptions

Lujala, Päivi (Norges teknisk-naturvitenskaplige universitet)
High-value natural resources, such as oil, gemstones, and minerals, are a source of unusually large rents that, without mitigating safeguards, can provide incentives for crony capitalism, patronage, corruption, and rent-seeking. Since the 1990s, the international community has attempted to improve natural resource revenue governance by promoting transparency in resource...
Study description available in:ENNO

Combined Effects of Ocean Acidification, Climate Change and Oil Related Discharges, 2012

Bechmann, Renée Katrin (NORCE)
The available information concerning the combined effects of climate change and pollution on marine life is scarce. This study conducted a series of laboratory experiments to generate such information. Two relevant anthropogenic stress factors related to climate change were tested; ocean pollution and increased temperatures. Stress relating to pollution was tested by means...
Study description available in:ENNO