99 studies found in English from a total of 36710
Natural sciences 

Work Fatigue Interviews 2001

Kinnunen, Ulla (University of Tampere. Department of Psychology)
The data consist of 34 interviews of persons who had taken part in courses aimed at treating burnout symptoms in a Finnish rehabilitation centre in 2001. The semi-structured interviews had both pre-prepared questions and more open interview sections. The main themes were: 1) the way the interview subjects experienced burnout (work fatigue) at the time of the interview, 2)...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS): Self-Ratings of 50-Year-Olds 2009

Pulkkinen, Lea (University of Jyväskylä. Department of Psychology); Kinnunen, Marja-Liisa (University of Jyväskylä. Department of Psychology); Kokko, Katja (University of Jyväskylä. Department of Psychology)
The data are part of the Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS), in which the same individuals have been followed over 40 years. This research stage includes a Life Situation Questionnaire, interviews, personality tests, a life history calendar, a medical examination, laboratory tests and participant self-ratings. The lives of 50-year-olds...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Living with Depression 2002

Räty, Reetta (Helsingin Sanomat. Weekly supplement Nyt)
An online survey on depression, conducted by a Finnish newspaper. The data consist of responses to some open-ended questions in the questionnaire. Questions covered other people's reactions to the respondents' depression, and the impact of depression on children, work and life in general. Worst moments of depression were also described. The dataset is only available in Finnish.
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Knowledge Attainment, Learning Approaches, and Self-perceived Study Burnout among European Veterinary Students 2023

Iivanainen, Antti (University of Helsinki. Faculty of Veterinary Medicine); Holm, Peter (University of Copenhagen); Penell, Johanna (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences); (3 more)
The study examines the learning approaches of students in European veterinary schools, their study success, study strategies and self-perceived study-related burnout. The data were collected as part of the VetRepos project, which develops the assessment and progress testing of European veterinary education. The dataset contains 21 statements from the validated HowULearn...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
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Health Education Authority National Survey of Activity and Health, 1991

Activity and Health Research Limited
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.This study is a face to face survey which complements the Allied Dunbar National Fitness Survey (ADNFS) using the same household questionnaire. The purpose of this survey was to boost the sample size from the ADNFS and through sampling on a less clustered basis (without the constraint imposed for the...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Family, Work and Leisure in the London Region, 1970 : Main Study

Young, M., Institute of Community Studies; Willmott, P., Institute of Community Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The purpose of this survey was to examine the relationship between work, home and leisure in order to explain changes in family patterns; to provide demographic, social/behavioural and economic data for the analysis of family life.Main Topics:Attitudinal/Behavioural Questions Present and preferred...
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Data access:Restricted
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Studies Using the Nottingham Health Index, 1976-1977

McDowell, I. W., University of Nottingham, Medical School, Department of Community Health; Martini, C. J. M., University of Nottingham, Medical School, Department of Community Health
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.To develop and test a socio-medical index of health (referred to as the Nottingham Health Index). This index aims to provide a measurement of a person's need for care beyond purely `medical' aspects (as indicated by physiological or biochemical measurements): it measures a person's functioning in...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Exploratory Study of Attitudes and Behaviour of Workers in Small Firms, 1974-1976

Curran, J., Kingston Polytechnic, School of Sociology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The main aims of the survey were to investigate the attitudes and behaviour of workers in small and large firms in the printing and electronics industries. Data were collected on three main issues: (i) the process of becoming a small firm worker; (ii) the meanings and social relations distinctively...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Mental Health of Children and Young People in Great Britain, 2004

Ford, T., Unknown Affiliation; Goodman, R., Unknown Affiliation; Office for National Statistics, Health and Care Division; (1 more)
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Mental Health of Children and Young People Surveys (MHCYP) series provides data about the mental health of young people living in Great Britain.The MHCYP was first carried out in 1999, capturing information on 5 to 15-year-olds. It was conducted by the Office for National Statistics...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Mental Health of Young People Looked After by Local Authorities in Great Britain, 2001-2003

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Mental Health of Children and Young People Surveys (MHCYP) series provides data about the mental health of young people living in Great Britain.The MHCYP was first carried out in 1999, capturing information on 5 to 15-year-olds. It was conducted by the Office for National Statistics...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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European Working Conditions Survey, 2000

Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) is conducted by Eurofound (the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions). Since its launch in 1990, the EWCS has provided an overview of working conditions in Europe. The main objectives of the survey are to:assess and quantify...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Living with AIDS : The Experience of Homosexual Men with HIV Infection Or AIDS, 1988-1989

McCann, K., Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care; Simms, M., Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care; Wadsworth, E., Institute for Social Studies in Medical Care
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The aims and objectives of this survey were to: Describe the experience of and attitudes towards the care of people with AIDS or related conditions; describe the social context in which requirements of health care are negotiated; look at the continuity of care between hospital and community; describe...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Infant Feeding Survey, 1985

Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Infant Feeding Survey (IFS) has been carried out every five years since 1975, in order to establish information about infant feeding practices. Government policy in the United Kingdom has consistently supported breastfeeding as the best way of ensuring a healthy start for infants and of promoting...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Infant Feeding Survey, 1990

Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Infant Feeding Survey (IFS) has been carried out every five years since 1975, in order to establish information about infant feeding practices. Government policy in the United Kingdom has consistently supported breastfeeding as the best way of ensuring a healthy start for infants and of promoting...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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OPCS Surveys of Psychiatric Morbidity : Private Household Survey, 1993

Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys (APMS) (formerly known as the Surveys of Psychiatric Morbidity) are a series of surveys which provide data on the prevalence of both treated and untreated psychiatric disorders in the adult population (aged 16 and over). The first survey was conducted in 1993,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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British Social Attitudes Survey, 2002

National Centre for Social Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.BackgroundThe British Social Attitudes (BSA) survey series began in 1983. The series is designed to produce annual measures of attitudinal movements to complement large-scale government surveys that deal largely with facts and behaviour patterns, and the data on party political attitudes...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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ONS Opinions Survey, December 2011

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) is an omnibus survey that collects data from respondents in Great Britain. Information is gathered on a range of subjects, commissioned both internally by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and by external clients (other government departments, charities,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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ONS Opinions Survey, November 2011

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) is an omnibus survey that collects data from respondents in Great Britain. Information is gathered on a range of subjects, commissioned both internally by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and by external clients (other government departments, charities,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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ONS Opinions Survey, March 2012

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) is an omnibus survey that collects data from respondents in Great Britain. Information is gathered on a range of subjects, commissioned both internally by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and by external clients (other government departments, charities,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, April 2012

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) is an omnibus survey that collects data from respondents in Great Britain. Information is gathered on a range of subjects, commissioned both internally by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and by external clients (other government departments, charities,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, June 2012

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) is an omnibus survey that collects data from respondents in Great Britain. Information is gathered on a range of subjects, commissioned both internally by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and by external clients (other government departments, charities,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Opinions and Lifestyle Survey, July 2012

Office for National Statistics, Social Survey Division
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Opinions and Lifestyle Survey (OPN) is an omnibus survey that collects data from respondents in Great Britain. Information is gathered on a range of subjects, commissioned both internally by the Office for National Statistics (ONS) and by external clients (other government departments, charities,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, 2007

National Centre for Social Research; University of Leicester
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys (APMS) (formerly known as the Surveys of Psychiatric Morbidity) are a series of surveys which provide data on the prevalence of both treated and untreated psychiatric disorders in the adult population (aged 16 and over). The first survey was conducted in 1993,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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1970 British Cohort Study: Age 29, Sweep 6, 1999-2000

University of London, Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) is a longitudinal birth cohort study, following a nationally representative sample of over 17,000 people born in England, Scotland and Wales in a single week of 1970. Cohort members have been surveyed throughout their childhood and adult lives, mapping their...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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National Child Development Study: Age 42, Sweep 6, 1999-2000

University of London, Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Child Development Study (NCDS) is a continuing longitudinal study that seeks to follow the lives of all those living in Great Britain who were born in one particular week in 1958. The aim of the study is to improve understanding of the factors affecting human development over the...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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European Working Conditions Survey, 1991

Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) is conducted by Eurofound (the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions). Since its launch in 1990, the EWCS has provided an overview of working conditions in Europe. The main objectives of the survey are to:assess and quantify...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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European Working Conditions Survey, 1995

Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) is conducted by Eurofound (the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions). Since its launch in 1990, the EWCS has provided an overview of working conditions in Europe. The main objectives of the survey are to:assess and quantify...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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Cognition in Pregnancy: Perceptions and Performance, 2005-2006

Crawley, R., University of Sunderland, Sunderland Business School
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Pregnant women consistently report that their memory and attention abilities become worse during pregnancy. However, their perception of changes is not well supported by comparisons of performance between pregnant and non-pregnant women on laboratory cognitive tasks. The aim of this project was to...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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European Working Conditions Survey, 2005

Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) is conducted by Eurofound (the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions). Since its launch in 1990, the EWCS has provided an overview of working conditions in Europe. The main objectives of the survey are to:assess and quantify...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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European Working Conditions Survey Integrated Data File, 1991-2015

Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The European Working Conditions Survey (EWCS) is conducted by Eurofound (the European Foundation for the Improvement of Living and Working Conditions). Since its launch in 1990, the EWCS has provided an overview of working conditions in Europe. The main objectives of the survey are to:assess and quantify...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
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