43 studies found in English from a total of 37400
Knowledge society 

Finnish Views on Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2008

Pharmaceutical Information Centre Ltd; Association of Finnish Pharmacies; Finnish Medical Association; (1 more)
The study examined Finnish views of alternative treatment methods and complementary therapy. Data collection was funded by the Finnish Medical Association, the Association of Finnish Pharmacies and Pharmaceutical Information Centre. First, the respondents were presented with a variety of treatment methods, and they were asked whether they believed that they could be used to...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Open
Access study

Finnish Views on Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2018

University of Tampere; Taloustutkimus
The study examined Finnish views of alternative treatment methods and complementary therapy. First, the respondents were presented with a variety of treatment methods, and they were asked whether they believed that they could be used to treat illnesses or conditions (e.g. surgical operations, over-the-counter drugs, herbal medicines, acupuncture, traditional Chinese...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Open
Access study

Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, 2007

National Centre for Social Research; University of Leicester
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys (APMS) (formerly known as the Surveys of Psychiatric Morbidity) are a series of surveys which provide data on the prevalence of both treated and untreated psychiatric disorders in the adult population (aged 16 and over). The first survey was conducted in 1993,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Technology and Natural Death: a Study of Older People, 2001-2002

Seymour, J., University of Sheffield, School of Nursing and Midwifery
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.In its focus on older peoples’ understandings of technologies used in end of life care, this study has developed new methodologies for social science in a demanding and ethically sensitive field. Pictures, story boards and media extracts were used during interviews and focus groups and the research team...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Community Mental Health Service User Survey, 2016

Picker Institute Europe; Care Quality Commission
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Patient Survey Programme is one of the largest patient survey programmes in the world. It provides an opportunity to monitor experiences of health and provides data to assist with registration of trusts and monitoring on-going compliance. Understanding what people think about the care and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Millennium Cohort Study: Linked Health Administrative Datasets (Hospital Episode Statistics), England, 2000-2019: Secure Access

University College London, UCL Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies; NHS Digital
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Background: The Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) is a large-scale, multi-purpose longitudinal dataset providing information about babies born at the beginning of the 21st century, their progress through life, and the families who are bringing them up, for the four countries of the United Kingdom. The...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Community Mental Health Service User Survey, 2022

Care Quality Commission; Picker Institute Europe
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Patient Survey Programme is one of the largest patient survey programmes in the world. It provides an opportunity to monitor experiences of health and provides data to assist with registration of trusts and monitoring on-going compliance. Understanding what people think about the care and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

HMIP Prisoner Survey: Adults in England and Wales, 2000-2024: Special Licence Access

HM Inspectorate of Prisons
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The HMIP (His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons) Prisoner Surveys (also formerly known as Detainee Surveys) are part of the Inspectorate's duties to inspect prisons. Surveys of prisoners have been carried out systematically since 2000 at institutions being inspected, to gain important insight...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Community Mental Health Service User Survey, 2021

Care Quality Commission; Picker Institute Europe
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Patient Survey Programme is one of the largest patient survey programmes in the world. It provides an opportunity to monitor experiences of health and provides data to assist with registration of trusts and monitoring on-going compliance. Understanding what people think about the care and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Millennium Cohort Study: Linked Health Administrative Data (Scottish Medical Records), Prescribing Information System, 2009-2015: Secure Access

University College London, UCL Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies; NHS Digital
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Background: The Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) is a large-scale, multi-purpose longitudinal dataset providing information about babies born at the beginning of the 21st century, their progress through life, and the families who are bringing them up, for the four countries of the United Kingdom. The...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

National Child Development Study: Linked Administrative Data, Maternity Records, Scottish Medical Records, 1981-2002: Secure Access

University College London, UCL Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies; NHS Digital
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Child Development Study (NCDS) is a continuing longitudinal study that seeks to follow the lives of all those living in Great Britain who were born in one particular week in 1958. The aim of the study is to improve understanding of the factors affecting human development over the...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

1970 British Cohort Study: Linked Administrative Data, Prescribing Information System, Scottish Medical Records 2009-2015: Secure Access

University College London, UCL Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies; NHS Digital
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) is a longitudinal birth cohort study, following a nationally representative sample of over 17,000 people born in England, Scotland and Wales in a single week of 1970. Cohort members have been surveyed throughout their childhood and adult lives, mapping their...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

1970 British Cohort Study: Linked Administrative Data, Outpatient Attendance, Scottish Medical Records, 1981-2016: Secure Access

University College London, UCL Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies; NHS Digital
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The 1970 British Cohort Study (BCS70) is a longitudinal birth cohort study, following a nationally representative sample of over 17,000 people born in England, Scotland and Wales in a single week of 1970. Cohort members have been surveyed throughout their childhood and adult lives, mapping their...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Acute Trusts: Adult Inpatient Survey, 2020

Care Quality Commission; Ipsos MORI
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Patient Survey Programme is one of the largest patient survey programmes in the world. It provides an opportunity to monitor experiences of health and provides data to assist with registration of trusts and monitoring on-going compliance. Understanding what people think about the care and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Community Mental Health Survey, 2023

Care Quality Commission; Picker Institute Europe
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Community Mental Health Service User Survey (CMH) has been conducted almost every year since 2004 and asks people who use NHS community mental health services in England about their experiences. Fifty-three providers of NHS mental health services participated in the CMH 2023. This includes...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Millennium Cohort Study: Linked Health Administrative Datasets (SAIL), Wales: Secure Access

University College London, Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies; SAIL Databank
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Background: The Millennium Cohort Study (MCS) is a large-scale, multi-purpose longitudinal dataset providing information about babies born at the beginning of the 21st century, their progress through life, and the families who are bringing them up, for the four countries of the United Kingdom. The...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Cognitive Functions and Coping Skills of Alcoholics 1987-1988 and Follow-up 2014

Saarnio, Pekka (University of Helsinki. Department of Social Policy)
The data are part of a research project studying clients and staff of Finnish rehabilitation centres treating people with substance abuse problems. This dataset covers the treatment and rehabilitation of male alcoholics treated in an alcohol rehabilitation centre. The data were collected by using questionnaires, learning potential tests and static tests. There were three...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Coping After Inpatient Treatment of Substance Abuse 1995-1997

Saarnio, Pekka (University of Tampere. Department of Social Policy and Social Work); Tolonen, Marjo
The survey investigated how persons who had undergone substance abuse treatment coped after the treatment. The respondents had come in for treatment to an inpatient treatment facility for people with substance abuse problems in Finland between August and November 1995. The length of the treatment varied from 9 to 97 days. The respondents were interviewed five times: one week...
Study description available in:ENFI
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Mental Health Acute Inpatient Service Users Survey, 2009

Healthcare Commission; National Centre for Social Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Patient Survey Programme is one of the largest patient survey programmes in the world. It provides an opportunity to monitor experiences of health and provides data to assist with registration of trusts and monitoring on-going compliance. Understanding what people think about the care and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Mental Health Trusts: Community Mental Health Service User Survey, 2011

Care Quality Commission; Picker Institute Europe
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Patient Survey Programme is one of the largest patient survey programmes in the world. It provides an opportunity to monitor experiences of health and provides data to assist with registration of trusts and monitoring on-going compliance. Understanding what people think about the care and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Childhood Vaccination: Science and Public Engagement in International Perspective, 2002-2004

Cassell, J., University College London, Department of Primary Care and Population Sciences; Leach, M., University of Sussex, Institute of Development Studies; Fairhead, J., University of Sussex, Department of Anthropology
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Given crises of public confidence in certain childhood vaccination regimes both in the United Kingdom and West Africa, this study used the lens of vaccination to explore emerging science-society relations in European and African settings which have conventionally been theorised very differently. Focusing...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Mental Health Trusts: Community Mental Health Service User Survey, 2012

Care Quality Commission; Picker Institute Europe
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Patient Survey Programme is one of the largest patient survey programmes in the world. It provides an opportunity to monitor experiences of health and provides data to assist with registration of trusts and monitoring on-going compliance. Understanding what people think about the care and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey, 2005

Devine, P., Queen's University of Belfast, Centre for Social Research
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey (NILT) series began in 1998, and was the successor to the previous Northern Ireland Social Attitudes series, which was discontinued in 1996.The main aims of the NILT series are: to monitor public attitudes towards social policy and political issues in Northern...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Translations and Transformations in Patienthood: Cancer in the Post-genomics Era, 2015-2021

Kerr, A, University of Glasgow; Chekar, C, University of Lancaster; Swallow, J, University of Edinburgh
The project researched how patients and patient experiences have been impacted by transformed cancer treatments as a result of the post-genomic revolution. Social scientists have tended to focus on the social and ethical dimensions of genomic research, informed consent and expectations in emergent markets. The ultimate aim of this project, though, is to explore where and how...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

HMIP Prisoner Survey: Adults in England and Wales, 2000-2024

HM Inspectorate of Prisons
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The HMIP (His Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons) Prisoner Surveys (also formerly known as Detainee Surveys) are part of the Inspectorate's duties to inspect prisons. Surveys of prisoners have been carried out systematically since 2000 at institutions being inspected, to gain important insight...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Community Mental Health Service User Survey, 2014

Care Quality Commission; Picker Institute Europe
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Patient Survey Programme is one of the largest patient survey programmes in the world. It provides an opportunity to monitor experiences of health and provides data to assist with registration of trusts and monitoring on-going compliance. Understanding what people think about the care and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey, 2014: Special Licence Access

NatCen Social Research; University of Leicester
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys (APMS) (formerly known as the Surveys of Psychiatric Morbidity) are a series of surveys which provide data on the prevalence of both treated and untreated psychiatric disorders in the adult population (aged 16 and over). The first survey was conducted in 1993,...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Community Mental Health Service User Survey, 2017

Picker Institute Europe; Care Quality Commission
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Patient Survey Programme is one of the largest patient survey programmes in the world. It provides an opportunity to monitor experiences of health and provides data to assist with registration of trusts and monitoring on-going compliance. Understanding what people think about the care and...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

Next Steps: Linked Health Administrative Datasets (Hospital Episode Statistics), England, 1997-2023: Secure Access

NHS Digital; University College London, UCL Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.Next Steps (also known as the Longitudinal Study of Young People in England (LSYPE1)) is a major longitudinal cohort study following a nationally representative group of around 16,000 who were in Year 9 attending state and independent schools in England in 2004, a cohort born in 1989-90.The first...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study

National Child Development Study: Linked Health Administrative Datasets (Hospital Episode Statistics), England, 1997-2017: Secure Access

NHS Digital; University College London, UCL Institute of Education, Centre for Longitudinal Studies
Abstract copyright UK Data Service and data collection copyright owner.The National Child Development Study (NCDS) is a continuing longitudinal study that seeks to follow the lives of all those living in Great Britain who were born in one particular week in 1958. The aim of the study is to improve understanding of the factors affecting human development over the...
Study description available in:EN
Data access:Restricted
Access study