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Mikrocensus 1999, 3. quarter: Questions on Health
This Mikrozensus special survey poses questions form the field of health. In the field of health statistics there are numerous data records available but for coping with the increasing tasks of health policies additional information is required. It is surprising that simple basic data such as body height and weight of the population are not available except for the body...
Microcensus 2002, 2. quarter: Utilisation of PC and Internet, Impairments and Disabilities (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. More than 37 million handicapped people live in the European Union. The Council of Europe has declared the year 2003 the European year of handicapped people to give them a chance to make people all over Europe aware of their interests. One aim is the development of the measures needed to better integrate handicapped persons in all parts of...
Probleme älterer Menschen und Einstellung zum Hausbesuchsdienst Wien Herbst 1984
Thema: Situation und Probleme älterer Menschen
Mikrocensus 1995, 2. quarter: Persons with Physical Disabilities
There have already been two Mikrozensus special survey on the topic of physical handicaps in 1967 (Mikrozensus MZ7604) and 1986 (Mikrozensus MZ8604). In the course of the actual survey it is again evaluated how many Austrians suffer from impairment of seeing, hearing or movement as well as who suffers from a chronic disease. Updated numbers and information on the living...
Mikrocensus 1991, 4. quarter: Questions on Health
This Mikrozensus survey poses questions on health. The results can give information on the need of care facilities and measures to support care assistants now and in the future. The data is also used to calculate the expenses of health care measures for specific population groups. Similar Mikrozensus surveys have been conducted in 1973 (Mikrozensus MZ7303) and in 1983...
PUMA Survey 6.1. Insights in societal changes in Austria
Full edition for scientific use. PUMA Surveys consist of separate modules designed and prepared by different principle investigators.
This PUMA Survey consists of three modules: MODULE 1 "How gender and gender stereotypes affect perceptions of competence for ministerial office", MODULE 2 "Income, tax perceptions, and fairness norms. A survey experiment", MODULE 3 "Disease...
Mikrocensus 1976, 4. quarter: Physical Disabilities
The proposal for this special survey results on the one hand from the growing interest of social politics, welfare and medicine in social fringe groups. On the other hand it results from the fact that information on the number of handicapped people is currently only available for those who make use of services and are therefore registered (war victims, victims of...
Mikrocensus 1986, 3. quarter: Job Seeking, Smoking Habits
This Mikrozensus survey consists of 2 special programmes: job seeking and smoking habits job seeking: The last survey on job seeking was conducted in September 1984 (Mikrozensus MZ8403). The survey was conducted to complement the monthly statistic on persons who filed for unemployment at an unemployment office. It gives additional information on people searching for a job...
PUMA Survey 1. Insights in societal changes in Austria
Full edition for scientific use. PUMA Surveys consist of separate modules designed and prepared by different principle investigators. This PUMA Survey consists of three modules. Fieldwork was conducted by Statistics Austria.MODUL 1: Gesundheit und Work-Life-Balance (Johanna Muckenhuber, Hannah Volk)
Psychosoziale Belastungsfaktoren spielen für die Gesundheit der...
The Euromodule is a research initiative whose aim is to strengthen efforts to monitor and systematically analyze the current state of affairs and the changes in living conditions and quality of life in Europe in a comparative perspective. The initiative stands in the tradition of the social indicators movement, which enjoyed its takeoff in the late 1960s and during the...
Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1989
The survey contains part of the questions form BBC media survey about media habits. An emphasis is on listening of foreign radio and TV programs in comparison to domestic national or local programmes. To this a bloc of questions is added, dealing with newspaper readership and home media equipment. Separately a part of a questions asks about awareness of symptoms of cancer...
Psychosocial support for promoting mental health and wellbeing among adolescent young carers in Europe (Me-We), 2021
The research project “Psychosocial support for promoting mental health and well-being among adolescent young carers in Europe” (ME-WE), funded by the European Union (H2020; 2018-2021), aimed to develop an innovative framework of primary prevention interventions for AYCs aged 15-17 that have been tested in six European countries (Sweden - coordinator, Italy, Slovenia,...
The Euromodule is a research initiative whose aim is to strengthen efforts to monitor and systematically analyze the current state of affairs and the changes in living conditions and quality of life in Europe in a comparative perspective. The initiative stands in the tradition of the social indicators movement, which enjoyed its takeoff in the late 1960s and during the...
Mikrocensus 1986, 4. quarter: Physical Disabilities
The Mikrozensus special survey from December 1967 (Mikrozensus MZ6704) revealed that about 1.5 million Austrians suffer from a physical handicap. In December 1986 it is again tried to evaluate how many Austrians suffer from impairment of seeing, hearing or movement as well as who suffers from a chronic disease. Updated numbers make medical and social improvement possible....
Social Survey Austria 2003 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. This is the dataset of the third wave of the Austrian Social Survey that investigates changes in the social structure, living conditions, social attitudes and values of the residential population of Austria. In addition to the Autrian questionnaire part, the dataset includes the module ISSP-2002 "Family and Gender Roles".
Mikrocensus 1979, 3. quarter: Smoking Habits, Job Hunting
This Mikrozensus survey contains two special programs: smoking habits and job seeking Smoking habits: Smoking poses a public health problem since it is a risk factor in connection with several diseases (cancer, cardiovascular diseases, etc.).Therefore, it is an important aiming point for preventive measures. In 1972 a Mikrozensus special survey had already been conducted on...
Typology of Desires 1990 (GDR)
1. Consumer inclination, media usage and possession of economic goods.
2. Recording of consumer habits.
Topics: 1. Consumer inclination, media usage and possession of economic
goods: personal demands on life; frequency and type of vacation trips;
length of vacation and areas visited; means of transport used and
accompanying persons on the vacation trip; destinations...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979 - 1985, 5th Wave 1983/84
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct
as well as of occupational training and work habits of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion and extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life (scale);
Eurobarometer 85.1 (2016)
Since the early 1970s the European Commission´s Standard & Special Eurobarometer are regularly monitoring the public opinion in the European Union member countries. Principal investigators are the Directorate-General Communication and on occasion other departments of the European Commission or the European Parliament. Over time, candidate and accession countries were...
Future Expectations and Future Conduct (1985)
General future expectations of the population and assessment of
political, personal, social and economic development. Leisure behavior
and structuring of vacation.
Topics: fear of the future; personal thoughts about the future and
expectation of a future worth living; detailed recording of importance
of topics of the future; perceived possibilities to influence one´s...
Student Interval Study Achievement Junior Cadre Studies Leadership (NWK-Leaders) 1985/86
Development of leader readiness and leader capabilities among
students with particularly strong achievements and capable of
leadership activities.
Topics: Education path to high school graduation; qualification;
activities, employment before college; leader functions before
college in FDJ, party, mass organization, company, team; leading
position in the group or...
Interval Study: Development Factors and Development Forms of Young People in the GDR (1968-1980) IS I - 1977 (10th Wave)
Typical forms and courses of development of personality and social
conduct of young people depending on social factors and conditions.
Topics: Satisfaction with occupation learned;
sense of well-being in training or work collective;
fulfillment of achievement demands;
use of various forms of further education (scale);
evaluation of significance of future working...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 2nd Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social behavior
as well as occupational training and work habits of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion, extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life;
life planning, goals in...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 3rd Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social behavior
as well as professional training and work habits of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion, extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life;
life planning, goals in...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Older Cohort) 1979-1985, 6th Wave
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct
as well as professional training and work habits of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion, extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life;
life planning, goals in...
Students Interval Study Achievement 1982 to 1988, SIL D
Development of achievement habits of college students in the course
of studies, recording decisive determinants of study process and
personality development as well as preparation for occupational activity.
Topics: Main questionnaire: areas of interest; moral orientation on
structuring life; attitude to path of education, college studies,
subject and occupation;...
Interval Study Risk 1986-1995 - Leipzig Schoolchildren Study, 8th Wave 1993
Coping with development demands of adolescence, risk situations and
risk behavior of young people in the new states.
Topics: Moral orientations (scale); attitude to structuring life;
transfer into vocational training by junior high school students;
future plans of high school students; motives for choice of
occupation (scale); satisfaction with various areas of life...
Interval Study Capabilities and Courses of Occupation 1985-1995, 9th Wave 1995
Coping with development demands typical for the age,
in particular the transfer into employment,
risk situations and risk behavior of young people in an East German region.
Frequency of trips to leisure events in the last 4 weeks (scale);
frequency of leisure activities (scale);
agreement between demand and leisure selection (scale);
future concepts;...
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979-1985, 2nd Wave 1980/81
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct
as well as conduct in occupational training and work of young people and
young adults depending on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion and extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life (scale);
Schoolchildren Interval Study IS II (Younger Cohort) 1979-1985, 4th Wave 1982/83
Typical forms and courses of personality development and social conduct
as well as of occupational training and work habits of young people and
young adults dependening on social factors and social conditions.
General personal orientations:
introversion and extroversion;
general contentment with life;
satisfaction with certain areas of life (scale);