Agriculture and rural industry
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Mikrocensus 1970, 2. quarter: Use of Property, Farming on Sideline Basis
This special survey is on the topic of the use of property and the assistance of people, whose chief occupation is not at a agricultural or silvicultural enterprise, in agricultural and silvicultural enterprises. The survey is conducted together with the agricultural and silvicultural establishment census (reference date: 1st June 1970), which covers all agricultural and...
New Entrance to Mountain Farming in the Eastern Alps: Actors and their Routes into Agriculture, Motivation, Opportunities and Challenges (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The aim of this dataset is to outline the results of a mixed-methods research on new entrants to mountain farming conducted in the case study regions Vorarlberg, Tyrol and South Tyrol (Eastern Alps). In a first survey stage, new entrants were identified and their routes into mountain farming as well as the resulting social and spatial impacts...
Einstellung zu Landwirten (Teil 2) 1993 (1993-08-30 - 1993-09-27)
Thema: Einstellung zu Landwirten; Siehe Textbericht: Öffentliches Problemverständnis und Einstellungen zur österreichischen Landwirtschaft
Das Image der österreichischen Landwirtschaft 1966
Thema: Das Image der österreichischen Landwirtschaft
Mikrocensus 1988, 4. quarter: Environmental Behaviour, Fruit-Growing
For years, newspapers, radio and TV have reported on problems of environmental pollution. Part of the pollution is caused by the households. Since, in this regard, the households behaviour is of importance, questions on this topic are included in the Mikrozensus for the first time; they are on waste disposal, owning of a garden, water supply and sewage disposal In addition...
Rural Finland 2009: Citizens
The survey studied public opinion and experiences of the countryside in Finland and beliefs about the significance, development and future of rural areas. The barometer was developed for the Landmarks Programme carried out by the Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra) to provide the programme with the latest information on the relationship of Finns to the countryside. First, the...
Rural Finland 2009: Rural Development Specialists
The survey studied expert opinion on the significance, development and future of rural areas in Finland. The barometer was developed for the Landsmarks Programme carried out by the Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra). First, views were probed on what kind of neighbourhoods the respondents saw as fulfilling people's hopes of a good life (living in a city, living in a rural area...
Rural Finland 2009: Business Executives
The survey studied opinions on economic life and business opportunities in rural areas in Finland. The respondents were top-level managers of Finnish enterprises. The barometer was developed for the Landsmarks Programme carried out by the Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra). First, the respondents were asked to what extent a number of factors increased business opportunities in...
Rural Finland 2011: Citizens
The survey studied public opinion and experiences of the countryside in Finland and beliefs about the significance, development and future of rural areas. The barometer was developed for the Landmarks Programme carried out by the Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra) to provide the programme with the latest information on the relationship of Finns to the countryside. First, the...
Rural Finland 2011: Business Executives
The survey studied opinions on economic life and business opportunities in rural areas in Finland. The respondents were top-level managers of Finnish enterprises. The barometer was developed for the Landmarks Programme carried out by the Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra). First, the respondents were asked to what extent they connected certain qualities and issues to...
Rural Finland 2011: Political Decision-Makers
The survey studied public opinion and experiences of the countryside in Finland and beliefs about the significance, development and future of rural areas. The barometer was developed for the Landmarks Programme carried out by the Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra) to provide the programme with the latest information on the relationship of Finns to the countryside. First, the...
Rural Finland 2011: Rural Development Specialists
The survey studied public opinion and experiences of the countryside in Finland and beliefs about the significance, development and future of rural areas. The barometer was developed for the Landmarks Programme carried out by the Finnish Innovation Fund (Sitra) to provide the programme with the latest information on the relationship of Finns to the countryside. This stage of...
Forest Professionals' Experiences and Views on Voluntary Forest Conservation and Forest Management Planning 2014
The study charted forest professionals' experiences of forest conservation in their work, opinions on new means of ensuring biodiversity of forests, principles of forest management, and the development of client interaction in securing biodiversity. The survey is part of the METSO collaborative research project funded by the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry (2013-2016)....
Country Youth - Interval Study LAP/LAT 1982 to 1984 1st Wave 1982
Work attitudes and achievement conduct of young people in plant and
animal production under the seasonally differentiated conditions of
agricultural production process and their effects on personality development.
over-all work satisfaction;
leisure activities;
life goals;
occupational interests, abilites;
achievement conduct - reaching significant goals of work...
Country Youth - Interval Study LAP/LAT 1982 to 1984 4th Wave 1983/84
Work attitudes and achievement conduct of young people in plant and
animal production under seasonally differentiated conditions of agricultural
production processes and their effects on personality development.
over-all work satisfaction;
leisure activities;
life goals;
occupational interests, abilities;
activity in the winter;
achievement conduct - reaching...
Co-Operative Farmers 1990/1991 (Supplementary Survey)
Social situation of independent farmers in the phase of privatization.
Topics: Length of occupation as private farmer; time of intended
privatization; previous work area in agriculture; membership in an
LPG or GPG and duration; importance of land possession; stand on land
ownership; area used and form of property; management of the company;
company size sought; second...
Co-Operative Farmers 1990
Social situation of co-operative farmers in upheaval, employment situation,
prospects for the future and moral concepts in the country.
Future of agriculture in the new states;
work area in agriculture the end of 1989;
membership in an LPG or GPG and duration;
ideas about occupational future;
form of property of place of work;
Swedish agriculture under reorganization - Conditions and strategies of farming households 1992
This is a survey of farming households in three different areas of Sweden. Swedish agriculture is presently undergoing a radical reorganization. Regulation systems are dismantled and free markets are established. The technical development, as well as the environmental problems, makes the future uncertain. The reorganization of agriculture brings about big changes for the...
Innovation in agri-food systems – A systematic mapping of the literature (1997-2017)
This study systematically explores, analyses, reports on and synthesises research on the topic of sectoral innovation systems related to agriculture and agri-food in OECD countries. It is based on systematic mapping of the literature (academic papers published in scientific journals) in the period 1997-2017. The aim is to show the state of current knowledge on sectoral...
Innovation diffusion and adoption of innovations in agriculture and agri-food firms - A systematic mapping and conceptualization of the research
The aim of this study is firstly to systematically explore, analyse, report on and synthesise the scientific studies on the topic of diffusion and adoption of innovations from the agri-food firms’ perspective, and secondly, to frame the results in a conceptual overview comprising key elements in the research over the period.
The specific objectives are
1. to determine...
Perceptions and practices among Zambian sheep and goat traders concerning small ruminant health and disease
The data is collected at the two largest small livestock markets in Zambia, i.e. Lusaka and Kasumbalesa small livestock markets, in April, May, September 2018, and November 2019. The main method of data collection is semistructured interviews but observations were also conducted. Data collection was focused on traders but market customers, slaughterhouse workers,...
Political agenda-building under the conditions of a hybrid media system – a comparison across countries and issues (COAB)
The data set contains variables from a manual content analysis on food safety for which three different types of documents were analysed: 1. texts from websites, 2. articles from print media and 3. documents on the political agenda (plenary debates and documents from relevant committees).
The variables can be located at two different levels - at the document level and at the...
Agricultural Recipients of Retirement Support (1963)
Effects of the law on a retirement program for farmers and
socio-economic situation of agricultural recipients of retirement
Topics: Business management data of company turned over to successor;
consequences of receipt of retirement support for the old company; use
of retirement support; satisfaction with legal regulation of retirement
support; frequency of...
Social Structure of Displaced Country People
Demographic and social structure of displaced country people and desire
for occupation in agriculture.
Topics: degree of information on the government´s support measures
based on the displaced persons and refugee law; occupation before and
after 1945; interest in taking over a farm in the FRG and concepts of
one´s own farm; interest in part-time agricultural work; present...
Agricultural Co-Operatives
The attitude of farmers to co-operatives.
Topics: Business and emotional ties to the local co-operatives;
significance of individual co-operatives for the agricultural company;
characterization of the co-operative in comparison to private trade in
the country; personal contact with the leaders of the local
co-operative; participation in membership meetings; attitude to...
Self-Image of the Agricultural Population in Bavaria
Economic situation, views on the economic significance of agriculture,
occupational self-image and moral orientations in the agricultural
Topics: Judgement on the economic situation and the participation of
farmers in economic miracle; typical character traits of farmers;
judgement on the self-image and assumed third-party image of farmers as
well as its...
The Situation of Countrywomen
The situation of women in agriculture.
Topics: Company area; agricultural and non-agricultural training;
primary occupational activity; sources of income of family members;
family members helping in household and in agricultural company; age at
Demography: age; sex; marital status; school education; vocational
training; occupation; professional career; size of...
Influence of Public Support Measures in Rural Municipalities
The effects of public support measures on life in rural municipalities
and the company situation among farmers.
Topics: Changes in the municipality in the last 15 years; reasons for
these changes; local measures to improve infrastructure as well as
living and working conditions; judgement on individual measures;
attitude to reparcelling agricultural land and the farm for...
Small and Secondary Occupation Farmers
The occupational and company situation of secondary occupation and
small farmers.
Topics: Company size and proportion of leased land; oral or written
lease contract and length of contracts; location of agriculturally
productive land in drinking water protection areas, nature reserves and
countryside protection areas as well as in areas designated for
construction; usage...
European Communities Study 1971
Attitude to political unification of Europe.
Topics: Feeling of belonging to a geographical region; regional
origins and local residency; changes in region; mobility readiness;
influence of the European Community on the development of the region in
general and on special economic areas; attitude to jurisdictions about
distributions between the country and European...